Wednesday, April 19, 2006


The United States of America is in Big Trouble--As bad turns to worse and worse becomes horrible our tattered foreign policy not withstanding a new prime-minister falters amidst the dust and undeniable sectarian mayhem that continues to defy our intentions and expectations in Iraq-- American access to essential energy is no longer stable anywhere-- The once proud dollar is diminished by the gargantuan indulgence of debt and monstrous trade deficits and the sustained relentless upward charge of oil prices-- A lack of discipline pervades our culture and most of our society lives in acute denial that an economic trainwreck leading to an abject collapse of the current political and economic order is even within the realm of possibility-- Our future economic way of life is in more than serious danger regardless of official governmental numbers and the current cowardice of the political echelon in Washington D.C. both democrat and republican is extremely loathe to admit it-- Too busy grasping for the treasure needed to perpetuate their own incumbency they seek cover and refuge in the sloganeering falsity behind the tripe of poll-driven campaign posturing-- The present administration is losing battles its limpwit opposition (incoherence as political achievement) finds itself too spineless to muster contest--The November 2006 elections are half a year away and if the current corrupt order is still standing, its incumbency must be challenged-- Nature may indeed abhor the proverbial vacuum but it seems to be taking its own sweet time in filling this one-- Wake up!!--America needs a new party--

In contemporary parlance Tom Paine would probably declare 'These are the times that will rock men's souls'--Almost daily the upward thrust of metals' prices into record territory barometers the anxiety of those fleeing the status quo-- The gloom surrounding the housing issue coupled with the surging cost of gasoline has frightened many homeowners-- The once rare but grim prospect of foreclosure is a fear many in the middle class now are being forced to face-- Hard history is on the way and the forlorn gravity of incessant whining will not help--Pacifism that dishonors our manhood will not gain us mastery of our coming fate-- Succumbing to the mindless celebrity pablum the Nightly news infotains to stanch viewer defections hastens our decay further-- Wake up-- The shock and awe of our domestic storm is on the way and your hearts must find their courage-- Extreme consumerism only distracts us from the serious work ahead-- Your country needs you-- Find like minded men and women to form networking alliances -- Challenge the incumbent corruption at every level-- Challenge their collaborators in the media mainstream and beyond-- What has been fashioned into a state of disrepair by man's hand can and must by man's hand be redeemed-- The strenuous difficulty of such work must never be understated and will require heroic effort-- Come to the aid of a new American party--After all it is only your future-- Heed the Call--
While the mid-term elections will not save the current order nor will they solve the financial disorder the energy shortfalls or the foreign debacle in the middle-east, voters and patriots everywhere at all political levels must demand accountability from all incumbents on both sides of the aisle-- Globalism has sold out the American middle and working class-- International finance and the fiscal irresponsibility of the feckless U.S. Congress continues to eat our children's seedcorn--Petitions will not save us short term nor will more Chinese trinkets-- Both automakers Ford and GM the heart and soul if not the real backbone of our once envied industrial system find themselves at the threshold of failure/bankruptcy-- How could this have happened?-- The dispiriting fiasco of the multi-level governmental response to Katrina before and after suggests more than one of our national leaders is asleep at the wheel-- Both parties have demonstrated acute incompetence and thus should forfeit their right to lead-- Make those candidates address the real issues in real no-nonsense terms-- Make them take a defensible position on Iraq not just soundbite spin-- Make them defend the reasons millions of Americans have no health insurance-- Make them explain why suddenly so many citizens find gasoline prices effectively spilling out the serious financial hardship that leads to bankruptcy and foreclosure-- Make them demonstrate a basic working knowledge about the real oil situation in the world--Make them explain why we continue to lose so many jobs to outsourcing-- Make them see that you are serious-- Hold their feet to the fire-- They have earned their day of reckoning--