Thursday, May 18, 2006


The spirit of our Declaration of Independence no longer seems to apply--Quagmired in Iraq and dependent on foreign buyers of our treasury bonds to finance the ongoing operation there as well as other current governmental business our leaders continue to indenture their own people and their children's future-- Acting out a delusional fantasy that if we diminish our income (tax cuts) and increase our expenditures we will be able to call the shots here at home and around the world-- The Project for a New American Century has come off the tracks and we have railroaded ourselves into a corner-- Our own government now appears enslaved to foreign capital and the tyranny of easily accessed credit has had the same effect on American Working people-- While the credit companies so seductively offered to rob them of their liberty millions of Americans exploited by the deceit of usury like some gullible third world backwater willingly but blindly sought their own chains of servitude-- Now with debts galore and diminishing income implicit behind the devaluing dollar and rising gasoline prices not to mention outright loss of a job means to a positive end will more than likely not be met-- Having dissipated their hard earned home equity with a consumptive frenzy in exchange for cheap chinese goods the day of reckoning could leave them broke and homeless and consequently very angry-- Foreclosures and new bankruptcy filings have ratcheted wildly upward --Buy now! PAY LATER!!-- Later is almost here and the feast of consequences awaits--
The price of oil continues to wreak havoc with the economy-- The something for nothing dreams in the stock market are beginning to dissolve--The value of the market regardless of what the index posts is actually down against the price of gold-- Searching for safe havens petrodollars across the globe seek hard assets--No one wants to get caught holding worthless/devalued paper currencies-- The anxiety level worldwide induces mass sleeplessness-- Confidence in our government deservedly recedes-- Energy sources are no longer stable anywhere and the insecurity dampens rational exuberance everywhere-- Road rage rises in the wastelands of the punctured housing bubble as speculators desert the flip-craze in droves-- While new housing sales rose last month the statistics fail to say how many houses sold at auction or zero-down/interest-only/a.r.m trickery-- Interest rates have to climb in a vain attempt to make U.S T-bonds attractive to our leash-holders as well as to ward off some oil-price-induced hyperinflation-- The men who fought and died for our independence might find the craven belittlement of our freedom dishonorably just desserts for a people who took their liberty for granted and self indulgently ceased the predicates of vigilance-- Failure to see just how wide deep and ugly the current corruption runs could be fatal to our ship of state (especially if all that congressional devotion to duty achieves is a self-absorbed short-sighted tail covering). The forgotten moral of the often told Boy-Cries-Wolf tale is: When the town stops believing the wolf is out there--The Wolf Attacks-- Without disputing the obvious difficulty we must find a way to REGAIN CONTROL OF OUR FINANCES to have any chance of regaining our independence--


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